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Brenda Morgan-Klein is Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Education, University of Stirling. Her research interests include access and equity in further and higher education and she is co-author of a major new report on access in Scotland.
Professor Peter Scott is Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University. Prior to this he was Pro Vice-Chancellor for External Affairs at the University of Leeds. He was also Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Policy Studies in Education. Before going to Leeds in 1992, he was for sixteen years Editor of the Times Higher Education Supplement.
He was educated at the University of Oxford where he studied history and at the University of California at Berkeley where he was a visiting scholar at the Graduate School of Public Policy while holding a Harkness Fellowship from the Commonwealth Fund of New York.
He has honorary doctorates from the University of Bath, the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, the (former) Council for National Academic Awards, Anglia Polytechnic University and Grand Valley State University. He is also a Member of the Academia Europea and of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences.
His research interests are the governance and management of universities and colleges, non-standard access to higher education and the links between further and higher education. His most recent books are The Meanings of Mass Higher Education (1995), Governing Universities (1996), the Globalization of Higher Education (1998) and Higher Education Re-formed (2000), University Leadership: The Role of the Chief Executive (2000), Ten Years On: Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe (2000) and Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge Production in an Age of Uncertainties (2001).
Melodye Shore is a community college professor in Southern California and is the immediate past president of the National Association for Developmental Education (NADE) She is a popular instructor on campus, frequently acknowledged for her subject-matter expertise and creativity, as well as the easy rapport she enjoys with her students.
In addition to her work in the classroom, Melodye is actively involved in local, national, and international associations who, like FACE and NADE, are committed to establishing a more positive and powerful professional presence, and to providing our students continuing access to higher education.
Mrs Linda McKay graduated with an Honours Degree in French Studies from Aberdeen University in 1973. After employment in tourism and the health service she entered Further Education in 1976 and was awarded the FE Teaching Qualification with Distinction in 1981.
Mrs McKay began her career at Moray College in Elgin teaching Languages and went on to become Assistant Principal at Dundee College. She was then Depute Principal at Glenrothes College for six years until taking up her appointment at Falkirk in 1999.
Mrs McKay was a Member of the Board of Governors of the Scottish Police College at Tulliallan and of the Police Advisory Board for Scotland. She was awarded the MBE in 2000 for services to the Police. She is also a Board member of the Scottish Qualifications Authority, Deputy Chair of Scottish Enterprise Forth Valley and Chairs the Local Economic Forum. She is also a member of the Scottish Further Education Funding Council’s Learning and Teaching Committee and is the ASC representative on the Joint Advisory Committee.