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Keynote Speech 1: Hermitage Conference Room, Wednesday 2 July, 14:15 - 14:45
Title: Access to Further and Higher Education in the UK – the Challenge of Diversity
Presenter: Brenda Morgan-Klein
Institution: Institute of Education, University of Stirling
The ‘access agenda’ and current policy trends in lifelong learning make explicit the commitment to greater diversity of the student population and greater diversity of provision. This presents considerable practical challenges as well as raising philosophical questions about the nature of further and higher education. Often these challenges are not made explicit in macro policy and there is a need for wider discussion of these.
Keynote Speech 2: Hermitage Conference Room, Thursday 3 July, 09:00 - 09:30
Title: Lifelong Learning in the Knowledge Society: Threats and Opportunities
Presenter: Peter Scott
Institution: Kingston University
The emphasis on increasing participation by young entrants in higher education and on linking graduate output with workforce needs has tended to sideline continuing education - and, in particular, civic and liberal adult education. But deep-rooted social and cultural transformations and the revolution in knowledge production are likely to reverse this short-term trend, and reinforce the significance of lifelong learning.
Speech 3: Hermitage Conference Room, Thursday 3 July, 14:00 - 14:30
Title: Down the Rabbit Hole and into Oz: Mixed Metaphors with a Common Theme
Presenter: Melodye Shore
Institution: National Association for Developmental Education (NADE), USA
”Who are You?” said the Caterpillar. Alice replied, rather shyly, “I – I hardly know, Sir, just at present – at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.” – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland |
Narratives – whether written or shared in the oral storytelling tradition – offer an effective and enjoyable way to explore together the social, emotional, and academic transformations common to nontraditional college students.
With a focus on stories familiar to most, this interactive presentation will provide participants with practical and fun ways to incorporate narratives into the classroom, and thus encourage students to view their college experience from a variety of perspectives.
Keynote Speech 4: Hermitage Conference Room, Friday 4 July, 09:00 - 09:30
Title: Beyond Access
Presenter: Linda McKay
Institution: Falkirk College
Further Education in Scotland has already overtaken the Scottish Executive target of 40,000 additional learners in Colleges by 2002. As participation in the sector continues to grow colleges are working to ensure that 'entry' leads to achievement and that achievement leads to progression and opportunity. The launch of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework provides a useful vehicle for tracking learners pathways beyond access.