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FACE Conference 2003: Summaries Day 1
Wednesday 2 July - 15:00 - 16:30
Paper Sessions & Workshops 1A
1A1 LOMOND: Chair, Beth Crossan
University of Glamorgan
As part of its widening participation strategy the University of Glamorgan has developed an extensive Foundation Studies programme at Level 0. This paper discusses the support measures which are in place to aid the retention and progression of this large cohort of non-traditional students.
Peninsula Technikon, Cape Town, South Africa
This paper attempts to extend the work of Bruno Latour on scientific knowledge change as it becomes successively acted upon and interpreted towards publication to describe the transformation of knowledge from community health work to a health qualification.
1A2 MULL: Chair, Kate Sankey
Gbolagade Adekanmbi
Centre for Continuing Education, University of Botswana
Implementing Continuing Education Programmes: Some Collaborative Considerations
This paper examines modalities for promoting collaboration in continuing education organisations and institutions. It highlights the gains in collaboration and discusses some useful models. It lists some problems that beset collaborative efforts and suggest ways of avoiding them. It advocates that an informal air should pervade collaborative initiatives.
Keith Percy & Rosemary Hindley
University of Lancaster
The Adult Compact in Lancashire, 2000 - 2002: a structural analysis of success and failure
Activities and achievements of the Adult Compact, a partnership of the four Lancashire higher
education institutions concerned with adult progression to higher education, are outlined.
Successes and failures are documented critically ; causal factors - organisational and local -considered. Macro factors - structural, economic and political - prove crucial to the analysis.
1A3 OCHIL: Chair, Maree Walker
Victorian Qualifications Authority, Australia
Initiatives to open up vocational pathways in Victoria
This paper will describe reforms to the qualifications system in Victoria, Australia, to reduce disengagement of young people and to open up opportunities for them and for adult learners through new vocational pathways. The paper will also draw comparisons between Victoria’s reforms and those of the UK qualifications systems.
University of Stirling
The effect of introducing working practices consistent with the concepts of organisational learning on employee motivation
Theorists have speculated that adopting work practices consistent with Organisational Learning protocols enhance employee motivation and perception of autonomy. Interview data with employees in a UK petrochemical company adopting such protocols were analysed to examine the validity of this claim.
1A4 RANNOCH: Chair, Jim Bradley
Christine Bennetts
University of Exeter
This research paper is based on a study into the Second Chance Trust, and focusses on one major finding from that study, that of transformational learning and its effect on 197 individuals, their close relationships, and their communities.
Jeannie Daniels
University of South Australia
What sort of help is that? problematic support for sole mothers returning to study
This paper explores relations of sole mothers, work and study, using Mechthild Hart’s notion of motherwork as a framework for their experiences. A study of sole mothers faced with participation requirements of Australian welfare reform shows how the effects of social disadvantage can compound existing barriers to educational participation.1A5 KINLOCHARD: Chair, Danny Saunders
University of Stirling
Learning Objects and Study Skills
This paper reports on a project involving four FE colleges and one University in central Scotland. The project aims to produce learning objects that will be used to support study/learning skills amongst non-traditional, adult learners. The paper discusses the use of Gibson’s concept of ‘affordances’ and applies it to learning objects.
Massachussets Institute of Technology/The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
A new learning environment for social change: the engineering and product design learning environment in Hong Kong
This paper reviews the current learning environments for engineering and product design training. It indicates that part-time students find difficulties to follow a rigid timetable and attend classes in the university. Borrowing Hong Kong as a case study, this paper further discusses how a learning environment should be reconstructed for these students to meet the changing needs of society and industry.
Glasgow Caledonian University
This paper discusses the quality enhancement agenda in Scotland and examines the ‘hub and spokes’ model introduced within Glasgow Caledonian University to align quality enhancement with the university’s Learning, teaching and assessment strategy.
1A7 HERMITAGE: Chair, Maggie McLinden
Maggie Mclinden, Four Counties Group of HE Institutions, England
Anne Lines , National Foundation for Educational Research, UK
The interface of research and FACE: a way forward
The FACE Executive wishes to establish the types of research areas that members are interested in and their thoughts on a working sub-group. Some of this information is already exchanged informally but the Executive has identified the need to formalise the exchange. FACE members are invited to this session in order to contribute to discussions.
Richard Burrows, WebCT
Experience the difference: a hands-on introduction to WebCT Campus Edition 4.0
Not all VLEs are the same. Come and experience the difference. The latest edition of WebCT makes course creation simple and time efficient. This session will have you creating your own course in WebCT campus edition and with the new IMS Content export facility you can even take the content home with you!